Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pioneer Woman meets Katie Dean!

I had the pleasure meeting a nice lady I've been following for the past couple of years on her blog, Ree Dummond aka: The Pionner Woman.
For those of you who do not know of her, she was a fancy city slicker from California who fell in love with a real cowboy from eastern Oklahoma. He asked her to marry him & he swept her away to his beautiful working cattle ranch.

She missed her family, friends & city, but loved her cowboy who she lovingly refers to as "Marlboro Man", and decided the best way to keep in touch and up-to-date with them was through a blog. She posted pictures of her adventures on the ranch, learning to cook and well telling some funny jokes & stories along the way. What started out as a blog for family & friends exploded into a readership of...well...I know it's in the hundred thousands. On her FB fan page she has over 222,000 people following her! Wow!! She also homeschools 4 kids & takes some amazing pictures.

So here's how my awesome Friday night went last week:

Here we are all waiting like a herd of cattle lookin' for the shoot.

Teena, myself, Allison & her precious little Levi aka; Future Marlboro Man. Allsion made that onesie special for the occasion. It has a cute little cowboy & his playful pup. She couldn't fit the whole "Marlboro Man" on it so went with "Future MM". I think this was a good choice since most people would think she's already giving the boy cigarettes like the kid over in Indonesia. She's not. So hold off on the calls to CPS, she's a great mom with a funny sense of humor who wanted The Pioneer Woman to laugh (and she did).

While there waiting in the muddle I decided to post my wait to the mobile Facebook and found a friend who was waiting over in the children's section there in the back corner of photo #1. Here's me & Shawna:

Finally the moment we'd all been waiting for! She comes out first for a little Q&A. At first I wasn't too keen on this thinking, "What on earth do you people NOT know about her? She blogs pretty much everything & she's written a cookbook & her love story." Still, we had a Q&A and not to my surprise, it was a short one.

She brought her oldest daughter along for the road trip & well looks like she's gonna need to help Mama haul the cool gifts people brought as well.

Now it's our turn!! Here are the up close & personal pictures!


Ree checkin' out the precious baby Levi's shirt; Future MM

Allsion & Levi

Now it's Shawna, Ryan & Ashley's turn to say howdy!

As you can see here, Ree took a shine to Ryan. He was the only kid who asked her a question during the Q&A and she was most impressed.

And I think he got the coolest autograph too!

Now it's my turn to have my cookbook signed. Yay!!

A close up please!

And the final picture.....what we were all there for....the book signing..

I met several ladies the next night at a fundraiser for our friends the Dickinson's and they had NO CLUE who The Pioneer Woman was...I almost fell right outta my chair! So being the "helpful & friendly" gal I am, I moseyed right on over to each table & shared with them all what I knew & loved about Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman of eastern Oklahoma.

Now why don't you moseye on over yourself and have a looksey?

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