Monday, April 5, 2010

Suprise Party!!

Here's our beautiful Aunt Dorothy. She is 80 years young! We had a huge surpise party for her at Cimarron Steak House in OKC with tons of family & close friends. It was so much fun but it always is when Keiths family gathers together. I love them all so much!

The whole gang!

This was the "young cousins" table. As you can see, all girls!

Uncle Randy, Aunt Ann, Mom & Dad Graham (side note: Randy is dad's brother)

My yummy steak dinner~no I was NOT able to eat all of this...are you serious?!? LOL

Aunt Dorothy with her two great sons; Lynn & Larry

With her grandkids~Bailey, Angela & Steffani

With her GREAT grandkids~Colton, Cade, Chloe, Josh & Andrew

Best lookin' couple there! Saved the best for last~

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