Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wheels on the bus....

Public transportation....doesn't sound like much fun does it? I mean you imagine, cranky bus drivers, stinky, dirty buses, no air conditioning, gum on your shoes, yucky people. The list goes on and on, right?

Well, meet CART~Cleveland Area Rapid Transit! Our public transportation in Norman, Ok. We made a little visit there on Friday with our NAHE (Norman Area Home Educators) group & was guided around by our great friend, Chris.

Here Chris is telling us about all the cool facts about CART, for instance; our public transportation is owned and operated by The University of Oklahoma. All OU students ride for free! How cool is that? It's only 50 cents for adults, 25 cents for kids six years old & up, free for kids under six.

Pulic transportation is already considered a "Green" thing to do but did you know that CART vehicles are fueled by either compressed natural gas or biodiesel. How cool is that?

Here's a great group of cutie's waiting at one of the many covered bus stops in our fine city.

Chloe was very happy to be able to drop her quarter in while Mr. Al, our wonderful driver looked on.

We're ready to see the town Mr.Al!

We even stopped & picked up some REAL OU students in the heart of the campus & took them out to the National Weather Center for their next class.

It was a great adventure, we got to tour the CART offices, see the bus barn, the place where the bus drivers pick up their keys & important info before starting a shift, took a nice ride with our guide Chris & learned just how cool riding the bus can be in Norman.

We learned about 'froggy' Friday! Which means everyone should 'hop' on board the trolley for the 2nd Friday Circuit of Art! Experience live music on board the route and get off the trolley for even more art throughout Norman! 6 - 10 p.m. beginning near Republic Bank & Trust and Copelin's Office Center. There are lots of free craft make & takes for the kids & some yummy snacks to be had as well.

Also, for the next couple of Saturdays in April Ride CART for free tickets to the OU softball games at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Ride the Apartment Loop beginning at noon for the tickets. Take the whole family!

We will be attending the OU vs. TX game next Saturday! Who wants to join us?

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